Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cry my beloved country

Well Ive mustered up enough juice to write another blog.Feel much better after my operation in March.The chest isnt hurting much and Ive regained most of my strength.Im walking and exercising regularly (a little carefully) and it seems that my new valve is functioning well.
Its been raining this year,thank God,and the lakes are filling up.Would have been disasterous if the rains played truant again.What has been increasingly bothering me is the mess that seems to be swirling around us what with daily scams involving 1000s of crores,revelations of state sponsered murders and cynical politics with lousy governance.Im so sick of reading about language and border disputes between states,as if we are not all part of the same country.Im disgusted at the manner in which the local language is sought to be thrust down peoples throats with threats in the name of local pride,and every sleazy politico is happily jumping on the bandwagon.Im nauseated at the total abdication of all political parties from any semblance of real governance.Decisions are being taken only if there are pecuniary or electoral benefits,not for the good of the state or country.The few good men and true are being drowned in a tidal wave of venal,corrupt,self serving representatives of the people who think nothing of torturing,killing,wheeling,dealing,lying or stuffing wads of currency notes in their bloated nether regions.How can we pretend to be a nation to be reckoned with if we cant even ensure the safety of its citizens and provide basic essentials.When the stink of corruption is so pervasive it is naive to expect anything to function normally.Those caught with their hands in the till get chest pains and eventually return with a vengeance to loot and plunder.The enthusiasm with which honor killings and female foeticide is being carried out without any real consequences, makes me ashamed and I cringe at the thought of it.The faces we see every day on TV spouting cliches about parliament,decorum and democracy while doing the the exact opposite on the floor of the house which has now become worse than a fish market.What sanctity of the House are they talking about? So I ask myself ...do we deserve democracy? was Winston Churchill so right that he uncannily predicted that with Independence, India would be governed by crooks and charlatans who would line their own pockets and sell the interests of the nation.Are we decending to these awful depths in every aspect of our life? I despair and sometimes feel a sense of depression.Maybe I should stop reading and listening as many have learnt to do.Shut out the bizarre and macabre and pay no attention to the raddled,venal faces which would do justice to a rogues gallery.I guess I could but then I would need to turn into a zombie and remain in a catatonic state for the next 100 years.Maybe if I wake up after that things will be different.More on this later....

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