Wednesday, May 13, 2009


My aunty underwent the DnC procedure at the begining of May.It was uneventful and she didnt even feel it at any time.After a nights stay at the hospital,where her daughter Indrani stayed with her,she came home not much worse for wear.The intention of the DnC was to confirm the stage 3 cancer found in her MRI report,and also the quality and likely prognosis.Earlier the doctor had given her about a year to live.It was a tense and stressful time and Im afraid I blew my top more than once.Indrani got a tongue lashing from me which she deserved and her younger daughter in USA Nandini got some too.The 3 days waiting for the biopsy report was bad.Finally last week the report was collected and amazingly it revealed she was cancer free!!!!!! No malignancy.I broke down when I read the report.I wonder why I love this old woman so much.Perhaps she is the last link I have with my childhood,but more because she was so much a part of my life growing up.
There was of course a frantic change of plans by her daughters and she has been whisked off to Calcutta to stay in her old flat again.She didnt want to go but her daughters have this strange conviction that she must stay in Calcutta.Im not in agreement.I have told her that if shes not comfortable there to just come back here.She lost a lot of weight here and consequently was able to move around .Her blood pressure is down and she feels better.I wouldnt want her sliding back again just to please her daughters.I suspect theres some resentment involved too.They want to do the right thing even if it kills her.I wont allow that.I have told her to tell all concerned to go to hell and just come back.More later.......