Sunday, June 28, 2009

Truant monsoons

Finally its raining a bit and theres much needed relief from the heat and humidity.But we need it to pour all over to avoid serious problems for the rest of the year.This dependence on the monsoons sucks and is like a lottery at times.Good monsoons means a happy year,a bad one spells misery.Somehow I wish we could get out of this dependence,but then that would need a long term perspective from our rulers and our people..The fact is that in spite of an abundance of water we have failed miserably in providing enough for our needs without the help of the monsoon rains.We have not invested in rain harvesting and small bunds in villages.We allow massive wastages and theft and the increase in crops that need huge amounts of water.We build bigger and bigger dams as monuments to our egos but which finally have not delivered the much needed relief to the parched areas on a sustained basis..A country as arid as Israel is able to produce fruits and vegetables and has turned the desert green though hydroponics and the judicious use of water.We on the other hand believe in turning forests into desert and green areas into wasteland.There is no national conciousness that water is a finite resource and needs to be harvested and coaxed and encouraged to regenerate.Somehow it gives me a hopeless feeling as in all else that is not right in this country of ours...

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